Wednesday, September 23, 2009

.Amelia post by no title.

So Hi to everybody.
Because i had been longg time din't Re-new my blog.
I din't even have time to On-line.Goshh***

I started my holiday at last Thurs.It's sooo many days for me to relaxxx.Oh well,,of course i did a lot of interesting things.Example:
work,eat,go shopping,sleep and read.
You guys must not believe on me, Because i wrote READ too*.hhee.
But it's real,I din't lie.
I had did mine English grammar,literature,comprehension and all.
Unfortunately.....IS,i had never do revision for any others subject.OMGSH***
Whoever asks me to be keen on>> ENGLISH.?hhaa..don't know.?!
Maybe God.!hahaa..I'm typing a lot of nonsense.
Well,I don't mind.Because I really too leisure now.= =

So here's picture when I work at The Mines.
Omgsh*How messy it is.>< This is Ting Wen.I don't know whether i spell it rite or wrongg.>.<> Well, that's all post for work*

Monday,BBQ Night*
Hey guys,now let's talk about BBQ night.
Family day,i like it sooo muchiee.^^
These is a little foods of us.
They were very hardworking to prepare,and i was very hardworking for capturing pictures.hhaaa..Am I MAD?
You guys must know, Women are always man from west play the Host**..hhaa So these is what mean "GAY"..hhaaa.i was joking.=P And this is my model.= = Ms.Kmaey-The pink lady
*We had fun of course*
After roasted foods, I was just playing something senseless with kmaey.
She was dull too**hhaaa..
We watched Blacklist girl at PPS.

And drank Teh-Si-Ping.
Sleep around 12am at that night. day
That day was mine Mickey Mouse day.
Have you saw my dress up?
It just only Mickey Mouse.
Well,mum like it. I love it.hhee..
I bought a lot pairs of shoes,and shirts from PADINI, Mum was so cleareyed.
She bought so many from SEED too**
Those shirts she chooses , i love it sooo muchie..><>Am I silly? hhaa..I think so. ~.~

And that's today.
I was sitting in front of this.
Since I woke up.hhaaa
It's soo boring you know?
My friends all have their own events,even just to practice dance.
But I never have any events,even just a
Yeah, i was looking for lens nowadays.
Finally I choose "Dueba Hyperblack" and "Dueba Brown".
I'll pay it on Mon to Stella .I mean re-open school day.Well, our conversation were soo funny,she is good in english ( I think).
Well, good afternoon to all.
I want to have a nap right now.